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Python - String rindex() Method

The rindex() string method determines the index of the last occurrence of a particular string value within the invoked string object.

Both forms of rindex() method perform a case-sensitive search, whether it comes to the search of an index of a value in a string object.

# Python - Program to find a particular value in a String.

# Creating the string
s1 = 'Do what you Love, love what you do'

# Searching for the value 'love'  in the string
index1 = s1.rindex('love')

# Searching for the value 'do' in the string
index2 = s1.rindex('do')

print('last index of love in ', s1, ' : ', index1)
print('last index of do in ', s1, ' : ', index2)

Output is :

last index of love in  Do what you Love, love what you do  :  18
last index of do in  Do what you Love, love what you do  :  32

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