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StringBuilder Methods

Some methods of StringBuilder class

In the table below, we have given a short preview about some important methods of StringBuilder class.

Methods Description
public StringBuilder append(String str) This method appends the String at the end of StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Hello"); sb.append("There");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to HelloThere
public StringBuilder append(int i) This method appends an int at the end of StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("High");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to High5
public StringBuilder append(double d)
This method appends a double at the end of StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Version");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to Version5.0
public StringBuilder append(float f) This method appends a float at the end of StringBuilder object..
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Version");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to Version5.2
public StringBuilder append(long l) This method appends a long at the end of StringBuilder object..
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Hello"); sb.append("1000L");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to Hello1000
public StringBuilder reverse() This method reverses the string of characters in StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to eulB


Methods Description
public StringBuilder delete(int startIndex, int endIndex) This method deletes the substring starting at index(startIndex)and ending at index(endIndex) in StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to ue
public StringBuilder deleteCharAt(int index) This method deletes a character at specified index in StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to Ble
public StringBuilder indexOf(String str) This method returns us the index of the first occurrence of a specified substring(str) in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
int index = sb.indexOf("ue");
Returns the index of ue- 2
public StringBuilder lastIndexOf(String str) This method returns us the index of the last occurrence of a specified substring(str) in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blueue");
int lastIndex = sb.lastIndexOf("ue");
Returns the last index of ue- 4
public StringBuilder insert(int index, String str) This method inserts a String(str) at a specfied index in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to ColorBlue
public StringBuilder insert(int index, int i) This method inserts an int variable at a specfied index in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to B5lue
public StringBuilder insert(int index, double d) This method inserts a double variable at a specfied index in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to B5.0lue
public StringBuilder insert(int index, float f) This method inserts a float variable at a specfied index in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to B5.5lue
public StringBuilder insert(int index, long l) This method inserts a long variable at a specfied index in the StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to B555lue
public void setCharAt(int index, char ch) This method sets a character at an index to specified char(ch).
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Modifies the StringBuilder object to BZue
public void length() This method gives us total number of character in StringBuilder Object.
StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder("Blue");
Returns the length of StringBuilder object of - 4

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